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Beans Developer Update </August>

Beans Developer Update </August>

Beans App
Aug 23, 2022

What’s up!

Hi everyone🌱! It’s the end of the month again, which means we will be back with a new developer diary. We will have some small updates on the beans app, as well as some news about our preparations of the soft-launch. Writing this certainly gets me excited, so let’s get into this!

Beans news!

Although last month hasn’t been the most exciting month regarding app-updates, we did work very hard in the background to get our app soft-launch ready! This means that we have created our final invite system, warnings for new users, introduction flows and (most importantly) have submitted our first version of the app to get accepted to the apple and android app store!

We are making some really nice progress for our soft-lauch of the Beans app, which include new marketing strategies, an ambassador program and tasks for the community to complete and receive rewards and invites. Any specifics will be released at a later date near the soft-launch of our app, so keep our twitter and discord in check if you want to be the first to hear about any updates!

New and coming app features!

Invite system ✉️

So lets talk specifics! Last month the app got updated to include our first version of the invite system. When we launch Beans in the app-store, you will still need to have an invite code to actually start using the app. We did this to ensure we will keep control over who and how many people will use beans, and slowly introduce Beans to our target group. This way we can also track invites and employ our ambassador program, which will benefit all of you in the long run!

Introduction flow ✨

The introduction flow when you first download our app!

After you’ve succesfully downloaded our app from the app story and used your invite code to get in, you will be greeted by a nice introduction to Beans. The screens will walk you through some of the most important parts of Beans, as well as warn you for the potential risks of using a blockchain-based application. This way everybody will be ready to use the full potential of what Beans has to offer!

Minor UI and App changes 👨‍💻

We also introduced some minor changes to the UI and app functionality.

  • We now hide the private key behind a warning and show more security based text and images to improve security awareness.
  • There will soon be an indicator in the app when no internet connection is detected.
  • There will be front- and back-end changes made to depricate certain currencies. This will let us change currencies to a different one in the future whenever new anchors or tokens get available on the stellar network.
  • Multi-language support for English (EN), Dutch (NL), Spanish (ES) and Portugese (PT) will be released short-term!

Account recovery! 💻

Lastly, our acount recovery using the stellar SEP-30 integration is almost implemented! This has been our main focus of the last month, as this will add huge value to Beans and its users. Lots of front-end changes have to be made, and a whole new database had to be created to get the account recovery working, but we are really making progress right now! Our aim is to get the account recovery working before (or right after) the soft-launch of beans. Be patient peeps, you won’t have to wait much longer!

So, what’s next?

We will be preparing the app and infrastructure for the coming soft-launch of Beans, and continue working on the development of the app. Some of these implementations will add massive value to beans, and prepare us to go maistream even faster. In the end, great things don’t get build overnight, and we are taking our time to produce something that will be worth it in the long run. As the saying goes; Slow and steady wins the race! We will keep posting about news and developments, so you’ll never miss anything excited. Hope to see you on our twitter, discord and medium again soon!

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What is Beans?

Beans is an app that gives anyone, anywhere in the world, access to free payments and a healthy-yield savings option — all through a simple, straightforward interface.